Liopeps privacy policy

Privacy Policy

We handle personal data responsibly and in accordance with current legislation, such as GDPR, ePrivacy and the data protection regulation. Here we describe what information is collected and how this data is stored and protected in connection with visits to our website and when using the active micro training program Liopep.

Personal data controller

We are the personal data controller for the processing of personal data collected. We manage and store our data on Microsoft Azure's infrastructure to develop web services. You can read more about Microsoft Azure security here. We fully comply with the requirements of the data protection regulation, ePrivacy and GDPR. All data processed is sent encrypted and stored on secure servers housed within the borders of Europe for members within the EU.

Use of cookies

For the website, we use cookies for login and to store other necessary data to be able to deliver our micro training service, which can be run in the browser on your computer or mobile. It can also be downloaded as a so-called PWA to your computer or on your mobile. Here we store data that ensures that the application works. It is data that identifies you as a user with your registered name and email.

Password data

We do not store passwords ourselves, but we authenticate users via Microsoft Azure, and other selected providers such as Apple and Google (if chosen by the user), via so-called social login (Social Login or Single-Sign On) according to the current standard for secure login. This leads to the storage of temporary and permanent keys in the browser that are used to ensure your identity.

Data we collect

The personal data collected in Liopep includes e-mail and name as well as data about the use of the Liopep system for the users, e.g. to participate in challenges or determine language and recorded results. Liopep is also a social system where users take active breaks together, so certain data about usage will also be shown to other users in the system. Functions in Liopep may need that data about users can be sent to other users. Personal messages or images sent between users are always initiated explicitly by you as the user. Liopep also collects data about the use of both our website and the use of our system in order to improve our systems. Such analytical data is always collected completely anonymously, without any connection to the user.

Computer vision and body tracking data

In Liopep, you can start different games and exercises. The camera can be used to see your movements and the microphone to hear what you say or what sounds you make. An AI analyzes the images and/or sound and converts it into data, for example where your hand is in the camera image or which sound you pronounced. The AI analysis is done directly on your computer and no images, videos or sounds are saved, but the numbers for your movement or how many times you made a sound are saved. If you use Liopep's mobile app, we also collect data about your steps and how far you move and other health data you approve yourself. This data is retrieved via Apple or Google's health services and is controlled by their systems. We save data for two reasons: for your statistics in Liopep and to improve our exercise programs. We also use compiled data as a basis in scientific articles and other publications, but never for individual persons.

Data Protection Officer

Liopep has a data protection officer whose task is to ensure that we process the personal data of the data subjects correctly. See contact details below.

Data controller:

Liopep AB
Organization number 559401-7468
Data Protection Officer: Erik Berglund


2024, Liopep AB


Privacy Policy


Liopep AB

Karl Dahlgrensgatan 10

SE 582 28, Linkoping