Digital Gym Online

Playful training directly in front of the computer or mobile phone


Liopep contains exercise games (exergames) and physical exercises at a light, medium and intense level. Different exergames target different body parts such as the lower back, arms, shoulders, legs or neck. Each activity is 2 minutes long and anywhere between 3-6 breaks per day is needed for consistent improvement. You choose yourself, all movement counts.

Physical exercises

Liopep also contains physical exercises performed without a camera, where you follow the instructions on the screen. The exercises are developed to address typical needs of workers in the digital age and have been prescribed by ergonomists.

Activity Registration

In Liopep, you can also register other types of activities such as walk-and-talk meetings, taking the stairs, or lunchtime walks. You choose yourself, all movement counts.

Liopep annual wheel

This is what the Liopep year wheel could look like for your organisation. Of course, the annual wheel can be adapted to your organisation's needs.


Liopep motivates employees to adopt healthy behaviors. To create the habit of taking regular micro training breaks, Liopep is based on gamification, which means that principles from computer games have been added to Liopep to create motivation. Challenges, leaderboards, unlocking content and team competitions are examples of gamification in Liopep.

Setting your breaks

You set the start time, stop time and focus time for your working days. Liopep reminds you when it's time for a micro break, but you can also take a micro break early or skip breaks. Liopep ensures that you get micro breaks at a good pace during the day, according to your own settings. A few minutes every half hour reduces the risks of prolonged sitting and a sedentary work life. It is better to be a bit physically active than to not be active at all.


2024, Liopep AB


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Liopep AB

Karl Dahlgrensgatan 10

SE 582 28, Linkoping